No Son Of Mine


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$5.99 -60%
Matches previous low
Sale ends June 7
Xbox X|S

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Switch $5.99 (-60%)
Xbox X|S $11.99 (-20%)
PS5 $7.49 (-50%)

"A tense and terrifying survival horror adventure where you'll dread the lights going out." - Alpha Beta Gamer

▪ Find the Truth Or Die In Shame and Terror - enjoy a hardcore survival horror experience.
▪ Face The Boy - overcome an unpredictable foe that can appear anywhere at any time.
▪ Pay Attention - use the technology to your advantage and avoid confrontation.
▪ Watch The Lights - …or prepare to fight.
▪ Master the Mechanics - hone your skill in a game that does not hold your hand.

No Son Of Mine is a survival horror game focused on combat, stealth, exploration, puzzle solving, and uncovering a gruesome mystery. Can you face the unpredictable, deadly, and cruel foe and find the truth before HE finds you?

"Pretty amazing for a solo indie dev. If you love survival horror games, don't miss out on this little gem." - gyaaft
"The whole aura and ambiance of the game kept me on edge for my entire play through!" - jillbo baggins
"I lost count how many times I died. If you are tad bored of puzzles-only horror game and love some bit of action, I'd say give this a try." - URB4N_D3CAY
"I Highly Recommend this game 100% its not crazy long and works perfect if you just want to have a good time getting scared." - GarmanIsBack

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