Introducing the Deku Feed

As the Deku community has grown, users have repeatedly voiced interest in more than just the latest, greatest console game deals as curated by the friendly Deku robots. Occasionally there are great deals that don’t quite fit in the confines of what the site offers today, or interesting news, or great freebies that might be easy to miss.

We’ve built a new space to highlight these great deals and interesting updates. Midway down the homepage, you’ll find “The Feed,” brief updates on interesting discoveries across the site and the internet. We want these feed updates to be useful to you; the feed is tailored to your region and your chosen platforms, but you should also expect occasional feed updates about gadgets, gaming news, and other interesting finds.

Here are a few examples of how we intend to use the feed going forward:

This is an experiment we’re running through the rest of the year. We’d love your thoughts on it - please get in touch via or jump in our Discord.