The Shogun Ultimate


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$6.59 (-74%)

Includes three titles: Ashigaru: The Last Shogun, Taishogun: The Rise of Emperor, and Shadow the Ronin: The Revenge to the Samurai.

  • Ashigaru: The Last Shogun

During the Sengoku period in the midst of civil war, the powerful Daimyo's struggle for power and the conquest of the imperial capital. Shingen from the Takeda clan and Ieyasu from the Tokugawa clan fight bloody battles to conquer more territories and power.

  • Taishogun: The Rise of Emperor

Heian-Jidai's 12th century period many internal tensions occur with the increasing power of the clans increasing alongside the imperial court, where mysterious supernatural phenomena occur.

  • Shadow the Ronin: The Revenge to the Samurai

Dokuganryū, a legendary samurai of the ancient capital imperial was deprived and expelled from their lands, and all his family was killed by the orders of the emperor.