500 Cosmetic Credits

DLC for Robocraft Infinity


This item is not currently available at any of the stores that Deku Deals tracks.

Price history

All time low

Equip your robot with some awesome cosmetics by purchasing Cosmetic Credits. This currency can only be used to purchase cosmetics directly via the in-game inventory screen such as holoflags, weapon skins, mask parts, speedometer, vapor trails and more.

Cosmetic Credits cannot be used to accelerate your progression by unlocking new weapons or movement types. It's simply used to aid the look of your creations in Robocraft Infinity, not their function or battle performance.

BONUS: With every purchase of 500 Cosmetic Credits, you will receive 5 additional Cosmetic CPU (CCPU) to equip more cosmetic items on your robots. Maximum 24 CCPU allowed per account.