Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution Digital Soundtrack

- Release date: May 14, 2024
- Genre: Role-Playing, Action
- Number of players:
- Offline: 1
- Developer: Idea Factory/Compile Heart
- Publisher: Idea Factory
- Download size: 259 MB
- ESRB Rating: Teen
- Play modes: TV, Tabletop, Handheld
- Languages: English, Spanish, French
- Platforms: Nintendo Switch
This game is not currently available at any of the stores that Deku Deals tracks.
Kick out the jams with the Neptunia Game Maker R:EVolution Digital Soundtrack! These tunes will keep you groovin' throughout the day!
Tracklist (15x tracks):
1: Game Maker R:Evolution
2: An Age of Warring Makers
3: Run on a Bike!
4: A World of Makers
5: Theme of Victory
6: Bike Race Theme
7: Silly Event Theme
8: Serious Event Theme
9: Pippih's Theme
10: Jagaa's Theme
11: Reedio's Theme
12: Final Dungeon Theme
13: Combat Cooperative Quartet!
14: VS Formidable Foe
15: Victorious Final Fight
[Tracks 1 - 13, 15 is composed and arranged by Yuki Sugiura. Track 14 is composed by Yuki Sugiura and arranged by AKATSUKI]