Uncapping Pack: Bronze



Current prices


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All time low

Limited time offer: one chance per person!

Uncapping Pack: Bronze includes:

50 Death Metals
Material: D.O.D. ARMS Red Metal x1
Material: War Ensemble Red Metal x1
Material: Candle Wolf Red Metal x1
Material: M.I.L.K. Red Metal x1
Material: Mahogany x2
Material: Ultra-pure Iron x2
Material: Aluminum Alloy 7075 x2
Material: Chemo-synthesized Oil x2
Material: Oxygen-free Copper x2

Lost Bag: Rainbow x1

This content is available for a limited time period. (Until 1/29)
This content can only be purchased once.
It is possible that this content may be sold again.
In this event you will be able to rebuy the content.

If you didn't purchase your additional items in-game from Direct Hell, please restart your game to receive your items.
Other than Death Metal, the items obtained in this content will be sent to your in-game Rewards Box once purchased.
If your Rewards Box has 50 or more items in it, you will be able to claim your purchased items when the amount of items in the box drops below 50.