Photon Pack

DLC for Heavy Metal Machines


This item is not currently available at any of the stores that Deku Deals tracks.

The Photon Pack of Heavy Metal Machines gives you a total of 9 items for free to customize your account and start ahead in the Arenas. Available for a limited time, only for PlayStation®Plus members.

Photon is the main character of this item pack. She's a great support character focused on repairing your teammates and getting in and out of combat really fast.

Photon can drive faster than other supports — and if played correctly, she can sometimes carry the bomb in a pinch.

Check out the list of contents:

  • Photon's Machine
  • Photon's Model "Quicker, Better, Faster, Brighter"
  • Kill Effect "Deadly Fugu"
  • Rebuilding Effect "Supplies Box"
  • Start Line Effect "Braid Runes"
  • Score Effect "I Score"
  • Emote "Laugh"
  • Spray "The Enlightened One"
  • 7 days XP booster