Gas Station Simulator and Airstrip DLC Bundle


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$15.98 -33%
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$15.98 (-33%)

Gas Station Simulator is all about renovating, expanding and running a gas station along a highway in the middle of a desert. Freedom of choice and multiple approaches to run your business and deal with pressure are key ingredients in this game.

Buy an abandoned gas station in the middle of nowhere and restore it to its former glory. Get rid of debris and broken furniture, fix up the walls, paint and decorate the place to your liking. Just don’t spend all your cash on the looks right away, you bought a gas station after all. Repair the equipment, buy what can’t be repaired and start serving your customers to earn money for further renovations and improvements.

Airstrip DLC

It is more story-driven than what we did in the past and it allows you to build a small airstrip close to your gas station.

Meet Joe
Joe is an old pilot flying an old single engine plane. He is a bit strange and one day
approaches you to help him with his endeavours. For that he needs a place to land in the
middle of nowhere to make a stop halfway to his destination. In return he is willing to cut you
in on his deals.

The Airstrip
You have plenty of space and as it turned out, there used to be an old military landing strip
during WWII close to your gas station. Should be that hard to make it work again, right? You
might even go a step further, order some aviation fuel and some parts for planes. A
windsock wouldn’t probably hurt and some lights might turn out to be useful, since you will
on occasion also need to help him land. Let’s see how things develop and what Joe is up

The Plane
Joe’s plane is like its pilot: old. It’s also simple. The most advanced technology on this thing
is the LED reading light Joe uses to find his way on the chart. How hard can it be to fix some
simple things on a small plane? And it’s not like you are doing it for free.

The Gameplay
The Airstrip DLC brings new game mechanics and content to Gas Station Simulator based
on events. Unlike the content we introduced in the past, it does not require your constant
attention, it is more something that happens every now and then.

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