Tournament Bass Pack

DLC for Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour


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This two-lake pack features renowned tournament lakes, Seminole and Jordan and this is your opportunity to follow in the footsteps of many famous anglers who have successfully managed to locate and catch the trophy bass that are needed to win on these venues.

Lake Seminole is found in Georgia, on the border with Florida with a climate that is ideal for largemouth bass to grow huge with a current record of 16lb 4oz. A beautiful venue that also contains longnose gar in excess of 30lb and channel catfish in excess of 44lb.

Lake Jordan is situated in Chatham County, North Carolina and is a man-made reservoir. A picturesque landscape may look idyllic but catching the biggest fish from its depths is no easy task. Largemouth bass go to over 14lbs and channel catfish to a huge 41lb.

With islands to explore, shorelines dotted with fallen trees and submerged structure, the challenges this pack brings are high, but the rewards are huge!

1 player
Network Players 2-4

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