Air Twister


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Take flight with Air Twister - the new all-out rail shooter by legendary arcade developer Yu Suzuki! Assume the role of Princess Arch and help defend her home world, AIR, from the large-scale invasion by Vanguard. Similar to Suzuki’s massively successful Space Harrier series, you will encounter a large array of diverse and creatively designed enemies and challenging bosses. But fear not, your winged mounts and homing missile shooting crossbow won’t fail you.

Explore various kinds of weaponry power-ups and special moves which you unlock after every run. Or challenge yourself in the numerous other game modes, like Turbo-mode or Boss Rush.

As you soar through the skies of the various beautifully crafted worlds, you’ll be accompanied by the captivating rock-opera soundtrack composed by the renowned Dutch artist, Valensia.

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